
Alright, this article may be a little bit shorter than my previous posts because this idea was not planned and I don’t believe I’ll be using many facts. Now that that’s out of the way, I decided to make this because people believe you have to respect others’ opinions.

No, you need to respect that they have the right to those opinions, but you don’t have to respect the opinion. This should be common sense. Now, I’m not saying that just because you don’t agree with an unharmful opinion you should do everything in your power to make them feel horrible about it, I’m just saying that freedom of speech does not equal to consequence-free.

Yes, the white supremacists’ groups have freedom of speech in America, but that doesn’t mean that people won’t fight back. That doesn’t mean that their public information won’t be spread on the mainstream media just because they have freedom of speech.

Yes, you have freedom of speech but that doesn’t mean people always want to listen to what you have to say.

Yes, as a religious person in America you too have freedom of speech, but when you preach to an atheist or an opposing religious group or belittle their views, don’t expect them to respect you or your religion.

Also, your opinion should not prevent people from doing harmless things. Oh, your religion doesn’t agree with gay marriage? Fine, don’t agree and you can try to preach about how wrong it is but that shouldn’t make it so gay people can’t get married.

Oh, your religion doesn’t agree with abortions? Don’t have one. Simple as that, people will continue getting and performing abortions without your consent because it’s not your body.

Anyways, there’s my little rant. It’s sparked new ideas for future posts in my mind, but who’s to say when I’ll get around to writing them?




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